We got some Capisic Pond honey today: dark sticky stuff in a comb. Capisic is a nice little pond at the edge of our neighborhood, where a a lot of people walk their dogs. A friend of John's once took her dog there, and the dog made the mistake of picking a fight with another dog, which was being walked by a policewoman who had the number for Animal Control on speed dial on her cellphone. The incident ended with John's friend promising to take her dog out of Maine and never come back. Sort of.
These pictures are from a website. They must have been taken a little later in the year; right now, the marsh grass is still green and yellow, and the leaves on the trees are trying to make up their leafy little minds about whether it's time to turn and fall. I don't know where the bees are; the wildflowers bloomed loudly all summer, and I annoyed Norman by slowing down to pick them, but I never did notice any bees.

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