I beg forgiveness for blowing off this morning stuff all week--I was sadly distracted and on the road and technically incompetent. I'm still on the road and incompetent, but I've found help and learned a workaround for email that spit out attachments when away from the home network.
I thank Ted and Amy for days and days of work--all these mornings from 2007 and 2008 really are on a blog now--momsgoodmornings.blogspot.com. Clicking on the pictures will make them open up big, which is how I like 'em.
About the storks: We don't have them in America, of course, though we do have the European legend about storks bringing babies. And in Europe, where they really do have storks, the birds seem to have mostly retired from the business of bringing babies; in many European countries, the birth rate has dropped below the level necessary for population replacement. Stork babies, however, as opposed to human babies, are still happening. In Estonia last spring and summer, a webcam was trained 24/7 on the nest of a sort of Truman family of storks. Here is an image of a stork family based on a 19th-century German print.

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