Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hogwarts on the Chesapeake

The statue of Harry Potter in front of the Naval Academy dorm got a fresh coat of paint this past weekend. Usually, it's a statue of the Indian chief Tecumseh, but last weekend, it looked like Harry Potter. On the base of the statue, the Naval Academy was identified as the "School of Character and Command." Around back was the crest for Hufflebill, the house of the Midshipmen--well, of course they're in Hufflebill, on account of their mascot, Bill the Goat. The cardinal in the crest was a nod to Saturday's football opponent, the Ball State Cardinals, who...won.

One of the 30 midshipmen companies is responsible for painting Tecumseh, who is also known as "God of 2.0." The special occasion this time was parents' weekend for the senior class.

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